Meet Our Team

Bishop Cristiano Barbosa’s Bio

Born in Adamantina, Brazil, Bishop Barbosa was ordained to the priesthood in December 2007 at the Diocesan Shrine of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Bauru, SP, Brazil – Diocese of Bauru. He later served in a number of parishes in the Archdiocese of Boston, including Saint Anthony of Padua in Cambridge, Saint Francis of Assisi Parish in Cambridge, Holy Family Parish in Lowell, Immaculate Conception Parish in Lowell, and Saint Anthony of Padua Parish in Lowell. He was incardinated as a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston in 2021.

His academic record is extensive and includes the Universidade Estadual Paulista, Bauru, SP (Licentiate and Training in Professional Psychology), Universidade de Sagrado Coração in Bauru, SP, Brazil (Licentiate of Philosophy), Faculdade Jesuíta (FAJE), in Belo Herizonte, MG, Brazil (Bachelor in Sacred Theology), Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais – Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil (Master in Psychology), and Boston College (School of Theology and Ministry) – Chestnut Hill, MA (Licentiate in Sacred Theology and Doctor of Sacred Theology).

He previously was on the faculty of Saint John Seminary teaching theology and also part-time at Pope Saint John XXIII National Seminary in Weston. Bishop Barbosa speaks English, Portuguese, and Spanish. He is a trained psychologist.

Cardinal Seán O’Malley, OFM Cap. ordained Bishop Barbosa to the episcopacy on Saturday, February 3, 2024, at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston.  He currently serves as the Episcopal Vicar for the Central Region and Cabinet Secretary for the department of Evangelization and Discipleship.

Bishop Cristiano B. Barbosa

Cabinet Secretary for Evangelization and Discipleship
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Sr. Patricia Boyle’s Bio

Sister Pat has lived all her life in the Archdiocese of Boston and has been a member of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston for more than fifty-five years.  She has a special devotion to St. Joseph, and looks to him as a model of justice, gentleness, humility and charity.

Over the years, Sister Pat has served the Archdiocese in a variety of ministries, as elementary teacher, vocation director and in parish ministry.   In 2013, Sister Pat was appointed Associate Director of the Office of Pastoral Planning to assist in the implementation of Cardinal Sean’s pastoral plan for evangelization, Disciples in Mission.  When speaking with priests and laity about the significance of evangelization and strategic planning, Sister Pat also stresses the importance of each ones relationship with Jesus Christ and their personal witness.  Sister Pat recognizes, and is grateful, for the many people of faith and commitment to the mission of Christ that have companioned her.

Sr. Patricia Boyle

Associate Director of Pastoral Planning
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Diane Campbell’s Bio

Diane Campbell joined the Archdiocese of Boston in 2017.  Prior to joining the Archdiocese she worked in the private sector as an executive assistant as well as serving in ministry for her parish and in the Cursillo community.

In March of 2020, when the pandemic hit, Diane helped initiate a Zoom daily morning rosary that is prayed 365 days a year.  It continues today with over the 75 people attending daily.

Diane grew up on the South Shore of Boston and continues to live there with her family.  She enjoys spending time with family and friends often traveling, skiing or spending time at beach on Cape Cod.

Diane Campbell

Executive Assistant, Secretariat for Evangelization and Discipleship
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Dan Colucci’s Bio

Dan Colucci joined the Archdiocese of Boston in September of 2023 as the Parish Services Financial Consultant for the Merrimack region.  Dan was born and raised in Natick and was a parishioner of St. Linus Church in his youth.  Dan attended Marian Catholic High School in Framingham and graduated from the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst with a BBA in accounting and a minor in art history.  For the past three decades, Dan has held various accounting and finance roles including twenty years as the finance director for an assisted living company that cared for people with Alzheimer’s and related dementias.  Dan is excited to utilize his financial knowledge and experience to assist parishes with their financial health.  Dan lives in Chelmsford with his wife and two sons and spends his free time enjoying photography, collecting antique cameras, and watching his sons play baseball.

Dan Colucci

Parish Service Consultant
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Liz Cotrupi’s Bio

Liz is first and foremost, a daughter of God. She is  married to her best friend, Tony, and enjoys his help with preparing couples for marriage. She has three adult children and loves being “Nana” to her grandkids. Liz started serving in ministry when her children were small as many moms do. Eventually, her pastor asked her to run the high school faith formation program. Equipped with a bachelor’s degree in business from Worcester State College, she knew she needed more theology. After certificates in catechesis and youth ministry, she moved on to get her Master of Theological Studies from Saint John’s Seminary. Before coming to the Archdiocese of Boston in 2016, Liz was the director of youth and young adult ministry for the Worcester Diocese. She has been blessed to serve on team for Cursillo, lead pilgrimages to Marian sites, and mission trips locally and abroad.

Liz Cotrupi

Director of Family Life & Ecclesial Movements
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Jared Cowell’s Bio

Jared Cowell joined the Archdiocese of Boston as an Evangelization Consultant in December 2024. A native of Brockton, Jared attended Boston University, where he experienced a profound encounter with Christ thanks to the ministry of the Brotherhood of Hope and the dynamic Catholic community on campus. Jared eventually felt called to pause college studies to discern religious life with the Franciscans (Order of Friars Minor). Though ultimately called to family life, Jared considers his time with the friars an indispensable and fruitful step on his discipleship journey.

He later met his wife, Emilia and they were married in 2014 and settled in Dorchester. The Cowells soon became involved in parish life at St. Mark’s, Jared serving on the parish writing team and Emilia starting a new high school youth ministry/confirmation program. While living in Dorchester, Cardinal O’Malley appointed Jared to a four-year term on the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council where he represented the parishes of the Central Region.

Jared has a diverse professional background, including experience in the insurance, music, and technology industries. Previously, he worked as the Director of Discipleship and later as the Director of Finance & Operations at Ascension Parish in Sudbury/Maynard. The Cowells live in Metrowest with their daughter. Outside of work, Jared loves spending time with his family, playing guitar, and is an avid fan of professional chess.

Jared Cowell

Evangelization Consultant
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Lorna DesRoses’s Bio

Lorna DesRoses currently serves Black Catholics within the Archdiocese of Boston by supporting, assisting, and providing resources to assist in the work of evangelization within the Black Catholic community and assisting parishes and institutions to provide pastoral care in a culturally appropriate and culturally sensitive manner so that members of ethnic and cultural communities will feel welcomed, included, and valued as part of the life of the Archdiocese of Boston. Before serving in this capacity, she worked as a teacher of English as a Second Language in various educational settings. Lorna strives to joyfully give witness to the Good news of the love of Christ with everyone she meets. She lives in Boston with her husband Robert.

“We unite ourselves with Christ’s redemptive work when we reconcile, when we make peace, when we share the good news that God is in our lives, when we reflect to our brothers and sisters God’s healing, God’s unconditional love.” Sr. Thea Bowman

Lorna DesRoses

Evangelization Consultant, Ethnic Communities
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Tom Duddy’s Bio

Tom Duddy has been with the Archdiocese of Boston as a Senior Parish Financial Service Consultant to the Central Region for over 8 years.

Previous to the Archdiocese, Tom had been employed in the financial service industry for 15 years primarily in the areas of mutual fund administration, capital markets and institutional equity trading.

He has applied the relationship building and financial analysis skills from his previous work experience to act as the primary liaison between the parishes in the Central Region and the Pastoral Center regarding the financial operations of the parishes. Tom advises parishes in the areas of financial management, planning, analysis and cash management with the goal of assuring that parishes have the financial resources to support the work of evangelization in their parish communities.

Outside of work, Tom loves spending time with his wife and two children. He also volunteers his time as a coach in his children’s sporting activities. As a life- long parishioner and catholic school attendee in the Archdiocese of Boston, Tom looks at working for the Archdiocese as an opportunity to give back to the church which has provided him with the gifts of faith, family and education that have given him so many opportunities throughout his life.

Tom Duddy

Parish Service Consultant Supervisor
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Emily Elliott’s Bio

Emily Elliott joined the Office of Lifelong Faith Formation & Parish Support in 2014 as an operations associate, following a high-tech marketing career hiatus while she raised her five children with her husband of 28 years, Jim. Emily has served in multiple ministries at her parish, St. Mary of the Sacred Heart in Hanover; on Cursillo weekends; and as a Catholic volunteer for Framingham State Prison. She has also served as a facilitator for women’s study groups and often speaks at parishes about the power of prayer. Her present role as a family life consultant bridges her love for evangelization and all things family, especially in coordinating Transformed in Love marriage preparation workshops, where she often serves alongside her husband, Jim. Emily is working towards her Master of Arts in Theology and Christian Ministry degree through Franciscan University. She has a special devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe who she credits with handling most of her parenting petitions, together with confidantes St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Faustina, St. Catherine of Siena, and St. Padre Pio – all who lead her closer to Jesus. Emily loves praying the rosary, being with her prayer group sisters-in-Christ, strong lattes, country music, and experimenting with savory recipes in the kitchen. She is happiest when all of her children (Jake, Matthew, Grace, Mary and Benjamin) are home with she and Jim, and they break bread together.

Emily Elliott

Family Life Consultant
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Ellen Fitzhenry’s Bio

Ellen recently began her tenth year with the Archdiocese of Boston.  She began at the beginning of the implantation of Disciples in Mission – the pastoral plan for the Archdiocese.  She is currently the Operations Associate for the Parish Services Team within the Secretariat of Evangelization and Discipleship.

Her faith is important to her – and she considers it a gift given to her by her parents.  The most important thing they taught her is to recognize how fortunate she has been and to pay it forward.   She has been a volunteer for Birthday Wishes – an organization that provides birthday parties for homeless children – for over 15 years and is also a committed blood donor through the American Red Cross.

Ellen earned her Master’s degree in Nonprofit Management and her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration both from Northeastern University.   She is also an Enrolled Tax Agent with the IRS and a Senior Tax Analyst.

Ellen’s entire career has been in the nonprofit sector.  In the late 90s, she served as the Executive Director of a professional organization, but she began her career with the Massachusetts Federation of Nursing Homes and has more recently worked with the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army.

She looks forward to several more years with the Archdiocese.

Ellen Fitzhenry

Operations Associate for Parish Services
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Lynne Gelly’s Bio

Lynne Gelly joined the Archdiocese of Boston in 2017 and is excited to be a member of the Secretariat for Evangelization and Discipleship team as an Operations Associate.  In this dynamic role, she feels blessed to work with people that love Christ and are devoted to serving our Lord in many beautiful ways.  She finds joy working with faith-filled colleagues at work and interacting with Parishes and Catholics within the Archdiocese.

Lynne is originally from Greenfield, MA. She moved to the Boston area to attend college, graduating from Bridgewater University.  Upon completing her degree she met Joe, her amazing husband of 32 years and made a life in the South Shore raising three great kids.  She was recently was blessed with her first grandchild!

While raising their family, Lynne and her husband placed a strong emphasis on church being central to their life.  She has sought ways for her family to support local charities and volunteer in many capacities at her Parish and in the community.  She loves living her life as a Catholic and looks for opportunities to share this love and peace of Jesus with others.

Lynne Gelly

Operations Associate, Office of Lifelong Faith Formation
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Ann Gennaro’s Bio

Born and raised just outside of Philadelphia, Ann Gennaro is a city girl through and through. So, for college, she decided to try to make it in “The City.” Successfully graduating from New York University with degrees in Economics and Communications, Ann decided not to follow her peers into wealthy career paths. Rather, after a profound encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist, she answered the call to serve as a missionary with FOCUS (the Fellowship of Catholic University Students).

Continuing to follow the Lord’s (sometimes weird and whacky) call, she up and moved to Boston to coordinate events and manage projects for the Secretariat for Evangelization and Discipleship. But in the midst of all that coordinating, the Lord reawakened her desire to tell stories so Ann joined the team at MK3 Creative, a marketing agency and production company. She climbed the ladder and became Senior Producer, working on the company’s largest accounts and most complicated videos. While it was an adrenaline rush she thoroughly enjoyed, Ann chose to bring her skills back to the Church, so she could work with a mission (and with better work-life boundaries).

But Ann isn’t all work and prayer, in her free time you can find her logging miles throughout the city with her running group Forest Hills Runners, watching a classic black and white film, or sitting out on her back deck reading book after book after book…

Ann Gennaro

Communications and Content Specialist
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Kathryn Griffin’s Bio

Kathryn grew up in a large  (13 kids!) and loving Catholic family on the South Shore of Boston.  She still resides there today with her loving husband of five years, Tom, and their two beautiful boys, Thomas and Luke. Her upbringing helped her learn to deal with differing abilities, temperaments, and situations, making her flexible, relatable, and compassionate. Beginning in elementary school, Kathryn has been formed in the faith through her parochial and Catholic education.  Majoring in theology, Kathryn graduated from St. Anselm College in 2005 and is currently enrolled in the Master of Arts in Ministry program at St. John Seminary.  Kathryn also holds certificates in Ministry with Persons with Disabilities from the University of Dayton and is certified as a trainer in the VIRTUS/ Protecting God’s Children program.

As a faithful Catholic and lover of Christ and His Church, Kathryn has been serving the Archdiocese of Boston for over fifteen years. First, as a theology teacher and campus minister, Kathryn served in middle and high schools of Boston for 9 years. From there, Kathryn moved on to parish work, as both youth minister, confirmation coordinator in parish on the South Shore.

In 2014, Kathryn followed God’s call to serve His Church with the team in the Office for Lifelong Faith Formation and Parish Support. She has held many roles with her office – from consulting with parishes about evangelization and discipleship, to advising faith formation leaders about children’s formation and now serving as family life consultant. Kathryn cherishes her every opportunity to serve Jesus and the Archdiocese of Boston with her team of faithful disciples. She is especially fond of her work with engaged couples as they prepare for marriage, as well as her efforts to lead an archdiocesan ministry with persons with disabilities and her service to those on the margins.

Among her other “loves”, Kathryn is devoted to Our Lady and praying the Rosary daily. She especially enjoys cooking delicious food for her family, spending time with her siblings and parents at large family functions, kitchen dancing, karaoke, and last but not least, the beach!

Kathryn Griffin

Family Life Consultant
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Melissa Kalpakgian’s Bio

Originally from Texas, Melissa brings to the Boston area her southern hospitality and her “y’all.” Melissa has worked in evangelization efforts for the Church in some way, shape, or form in different areas of the country. Her fascination with St. John Paul II’s philosophical works led her to pursue a B.A. in Philosophy from the University of St. Thomas in Houston and her M.A. in Thomistic Philosophy from the Center of Thomistic Studies. She is also certified in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in Levels 1, 2, and 3. In her free time, she and her husband strive to discover the meaning of “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:9) in the various facets of life.

Melissa Kalpakgian

Evangelization Consultant
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Patrick Krisak’s Bio

Patrick has worked for the archdiocese since 2014.  He works in the areas of faith formation, ethnic communities, pastoral planning, evangelization, discipleship, and leadership.  Patrick has worked previously in parishes in the Archdiocese of Boston and elsewhere as a Director for Evangelization, Director of Religious Education, and Coordinator of Youth Ministry.  He and his wife have two sons.

Patrick Krisak

Director of Faith Formation and Missionary Discipleship
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Rosemary Maffei’s Bio

Rosemary is originally from Hingham and, after living in Minnesota and Florida, returned to the area to attend Boston College. After graduating with a degree in Marketing and Human Resources, Rosemary made Boston her home and enjoyed work in human resources roles within financial services for over a decade.

In response to the Lord’s call to use her leadership and organizational development experience coupled with her love for Christ to serve the Church directly in her daily work, Rosemary pursued a Master of Arts in Ministry from the Theological Institute for the New Evangelization, complemented with study through Loyola University in Rome and the Theology of the Body Institute in PA, and joined the Archdiocese of Boston.

In addition to an interest in igniting a love for Christ in others through the new evangelization, she has a particular interest in the Theology of the Body, the dignity of human life, the intersection of faith and business, and the intersection of faith and culture. She loves visiting with the Lord in Eucharistic Adoration and meeting Him in each individual encounter until we see Him face to face!

Rosemary Maffei

Evangelization Consultant
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Denise McKinnon-Biernat’s Bio

Denise started with the Archdiocese when she moved to the Boston area from Canada.  She has been with the Archdiocese of Boston ever since.  She is married to her husband Michael and enjoys long drives up the New England coast.

Denise currently serves as the Director of Parish Services.  For the past 25 years she has worked in a variety of leadership roles within the Archdiocese with her primary focus being the support of parishes.

Denise earned a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and completed the chartered accountancy program at the Atlantic School of Chartered Accountancy, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Denise McKinnon-Biernat

Director of Parish Services
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Wendy Meija’s Bio

Born in El Salvador, Wendy came to the United States when she was three years old, and ever since then, she has called Massachusetts her home.

Raised in a beautiful Catholic family, Wendy volunteered her teenage years to youth ministry and volunteered for mission trips locally and abroad.

Wendy earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Northeastern University and later pursued a career in public relations. Today, Wendy has more than ten years of experience in the field of public relations.

In addition to her new role at the Archdiocese, Wendy continues to serve as an active member of St. Mary of the Annunciation in Cambridge, Massachusetts, along with her husband Deacon Franklin Mejia, and their two children, Gabriel and Isabella.

Wendy Rodriguez Mejia

Director of Multicultural Ministries
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Wendy Monteiro’s Bio

Wendy joined the Archdiocese of Boston in June 2022 working in the Parish Financial Services as the South Region’s Financial Consultant.  She is looking forward to applying the experience and skills she has gained in the private and public sector to helping the parishes in the South.  Wendy is a UMASS-Dartmouth graduate with a BS in Accounting.  She has been a Financial Consultant, Sales Executive in telecommunications and vacation memberships, Mortgage Originator, and an Auditor in her past endeavors.  Wendy feels her array of experience has led her here to assist the parishes in all types of financial matters, to help them be the best they can be, and to focus on God’s message and serve their parish community.

Wendy comes from a large family, one of 10 children.  She is a member of St. Patrick’s Parish in Wareham. Wendy plays an active role in the lives of her nieces and nephews, including helping to raise 5 of them.  She loves living in Onset, enjoys the beach.  She loves traveling, spending time with family and friends, rollerblading, and playing cards.  Wendy believes in the motto “it takes a village” and co-founded The Scotty Monteiro Jr. Foundation, a charity that’s mission is bring “stop the violence” education and awareness to the community, along with rewarding our youths for being kind, considerate and helpful, qualities Scotty had possessed.

Wendy Monteiro

Parish Service Consultant
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Sr. Elsa Narvaez, HMSP’s Bio

Sr. Elsa Narváez Rodríguez, was born in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. In 2004, Sr. Elsa joined the Missionary Servants of the Word, a community that allows young people to serve as a lay missionaries for a period of time. After two and a half years as a lay missionary she decided to pursue religious life in the religious branch of the same community.   Her firs assignment as a religious sister was in Portsmouth NH and after that she was sent to serve the Hispanic community of St. Joseph Parish in Lynn MA. Since 2016 Sr. Elsa has served Hispanic Communities within the Archdiocese of Boston.

Sr. Elsa Narvaez, HMSP

Evangelization Consultant, Hispanic Communities
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Emily Rittenour’s Bio

Emily is a program assistant to the Family Life and Ecclesial Movements team, and is excited to be part of a faith-filled mission to support marriage ministry. She hails from Maryland, where she grew up in many different Protestant churches and later entered the Catholic Church from RCIA in 2012.  In 2018, Emily moved to Boston to pursue social work licensing (and with the secret hope of finding a Catholic community) and found both very happily.

She now lives with a lay community of 6 women who volunteer as part of a larger ministry called Encounter; a young adult homeless group that ministers to the poor in different Boston neighborhoods.

“Let love be genuine… Rejoice in your hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12 

Emily Rittenour

Program Assistant for Marriage Ministry
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Karina Salas’s Bio

Karina Salas has been with the Archdiocese of Boston since November 2013.  She has a Master’s Degree in Software Engineering, and she is certified in Management Information Systems and has other IT certifications.  Karina has worked in different industries including education, telecommunications, computer software, printing and more.   Her past work experience helps Karina as a Consultant and as a Project Manager to identify technical issues, resolve technical issues, provide training, coordinate training, communicate with vendors on behalf of the parishes on different IT parishes projects and more.

Karina is a well-known resource to the parishes and has helped the parishes with IT assessments, new phone systems or upgrades, Microsoft Office 365 implementations, ParishSOFT, Networking improvements, and websites.   She enjoys her work, and she understands the importance that technology has in helping parish staff members communicate and reach out their parishioners.   She also enjoys working with her colleagues.

Karina Salas

Parish Telecom/IT Services Consultant
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Deacon Glenn Smith’s Bio

In 2015, Glenn was accepted into the Diaconate Program at the Archdiocese of Boston from his calling to follow Jesus and serve his Lord and Savior. Glenn was called again to serve the Lord and joined the Parish Financial Services Department in 2017 as Parish Financial Consultant for the North Region.  In 2019 Glenn was ordained Deacon and is assigned to Saint Michael Parish in Bedford and is a member of the Deacons for Life Committee in the Pro-Life Office at the Archdiocese of Boston.

He spent the first 45 years of his career working in the Healthcare Industry.  He began working in his home town hospital as an Orderly when he was 15 years old, then joined the Navy out of High School.  Serving in the Navy for six years as a Hospital Corpsman, Glenn received his associate degree in Radiologic Technology and his bachelor’s degree in Healthcare Management.

After the Navy, Glenn worked as a Radiology Manager while working on a Master Degree in Hospital Administration.  He then joined KPMG Peat Marwick in 1987and traveled the United States consulting in large teaching hospitals and universities.  In 1989, Glenn joined the staff at Emerson Hospital in Concord, MA as the Vice President for Clinical and Administrative Services.  During his tenure at Emerson, Glenn served as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board for the Metropolitan Boston Emergency Medical Services Council.  After completing 18 years of service at Emerson Hospital, Glenn became the Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Adult & Pediatric Dermatology, a multi-state outpatient care medical practice.

Deacon Glenn Smith

Senior Parish Services Consultant
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Dashe Videira’s Bio

Dashe joined the Archdiocese of Boston on All Saint’s Day in 2023. She believes she was led by God to deeply serve through the Multicultural Ministries team and support the growth of parishes across the Archdiocese.

Dashe grew up in a loving and service filled family in Foxboro, MA. Her father was a Knight of Columbus and her mother taught CCD at St. Mary’s Parish. Her father is a first generation American from Costa Rica and Puerto Rico. When Dashe was born, her parents decided to leave Staten Island, NY, and pursue a suburban “American Dream” lifestyle to raise their kids. Her parents worked incredibly hard running their 30+ year small business in order to send their four children to Catholic school. Dashe is the first of her family to graduate college and continue her studies. She received a BA in Psychology from Bridgewater State University and a graduate degree in Organizational Leadership from the University of the Rockies.

Dashe currently lives in Franklin, MA, with her husband and four children. In her spare time, she teaches a 5:30 am workout class a few days a week, supports local farming, and serves the community around Franklin and her kid’s schools.

Dashe Videira

Operations Assistant, Black Catholic Ministry
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