All are Called; All Belong is a workshop in ministry with persons with disabilities that will educate all participants on the realities of living with disabilities in both the Church and society. Witness talks from inspiring presenters like author, David Petrovic and Cassie Drahos, mother to Sophia who has down syndrome. This day of faith-filled fellowship will reawaken our understanding of the inherent dignity and value of all children of God and the truth that all baptized in Christ are called and belong to His Body, the Church.
Brief presentations during the day from Julia Whitney, Associate Director of Programs and Resource Development from the National Catholic Partnership on Disability (NCPD), and Kathryn Griffin, Family Life Consultant from the RCAB Office for Lifelong Faith Formation and Parish Support will offer practical resources and adaptive materials for faith formation and ministry with persons with disabilities.
There is no cost to register! Mass and lunch are included. Please come and grow in awareness, understanding, and love for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ.