Resources Young Adult Ministry
Supporting young adults as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Supporting young adults as disciples of Jesus Christ.
The Boston area is home to a high concentration of young adults, especially in and near the city itself. The Faith Formation & Missionary Disciples team supports parishes, apostolates, and other groups involved in young adult ministry in efforts to accompany young adults in evangelization and discipleship. The team also assists young adults in connecting to young adult ministry activities. For information on local young adult groups, connecting to other young adult leaders, or forming a new young adult group please contact Jared Cowell. If you are currently a leader of a ministry to young adults, or are considering becoming one, you may find some of the resources below helpful to your efforts.
Our Faith Formation & Missionary Discipleship team offers evangelization and faith formation workshops, retreats, consultation, and training primarily to parishes, communities, and institutions throughout the Archdiocese of Boston.
Patrick has worked for the archdiocese since 2014. He works in the areas of faith formation, ethnic communities, pastoral planning, evangelization, discipleship, and leadership. Patrick has worked previously in parishes in the Archdiocese of Boston and elsewhere as a Director for Evangelization, Director of Religious Education, and Coordinator of Youth Ministry. He and his wife have two sons.
Liz is first and foremost, a daughter of God. She is married to her best friend, Tony, and enjoys his help with preparing couples for marriage. She has three adult children and loves being “Nana” to her grandkids. Liz started serving in ministry when her children were small as many moms do. Eventually, her pastor asked her to run the high school faith formation program. Equipped with a bachelor’s degree in business from Worcester State College, she knew she needed more theology. After certificates in catechesis and youth ministry, she moved on to get her Master of Theological Studies from Saint John’s Seminary. Before coming to the Archdiocese of Boston in 2016, Liz was the director of youth and young adult ministry for the Worcester Diocese. She has been blessed to serve on team for Cursillo, lead pilgrimages to Marian sites, and mission trips locally and abroad.
Jared Cowell joined the Archdiocese of Boston as an Evangelization Consultant in December 2024. A native of Brockton, Jared attended Boston University, where he experienced a profound encounter with Christ thanks to the ministry of the Brotherhood of Hope and the dynamic Catholic community on campus. Jared eventually felt called to pause college studies to discern religious life with the Franciscans (Order of Friars Minor). Though ultimately called to family life, Jared considers his time with the friars an indispensable and fruitful step on his discipleship journey.
He later met his wife, Emilia and they were married in 2014 and settled in Dorchester. The Cowells soon became involved in parish life at St. Mark’s, Jared serving on the parish writing team and Emilia starting a new high school youth ministry/confirmation program. While living in Dorchester, Cardinal O’Malley appointed Jared to a four-year term on the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council where he represented the parishes of the Central Region.
Jared has a diverse professional background, including experience in the insurance, music, and technology industries. Previously, he worked as the Director of Discipleship and later as the Director of Finance & Operations at Ascension Parish in Sudbury/Maynard. The Cowells live in Metrowest with their daughter. Outside of work, Jared loves spending time with his family, playing guitar, and is an avid fan of professional chess.
Originally from Texas, Melissa brings to the Boston area her southern hospitality and her “y’all.” Melissa has worked in evangelization efforts for the Church in some way, shape, or form in different areas of the country. Her fascination with St. John Paul II’s philosophical works led her to pursue a B.A. in Philosophy from the University of St. Thomas in Houston and her M.A. in Thomistic Philosophy from the Center of Thomistic Studies. She is also certified in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in Levels 1, 2, and 3. In her free time, she and her husband strive to discover the meaning of “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:9) in the various facets of life.
Rosemary is originally from Hingham and, after living in Minnesota and Florida, returned to the area to attend Boston College. After graduating with a degree in Marketing and Human Resources, Rosemary made Boston her home and enjoyed work in human resources roles within financial services for over a decade.
In response to the Lord’s call to use her leadership and organizational development experience coupled with her love for Christ to serve the Church directly in her daily work, Rosemary pursued a Master of Arts in Ministry from the Theological Institute for the New Evangelization, complemented with study through Loyola University in Rome and the Theology of the Body Institute in PA, and joined the Archdiocese of Boston.
In addition to an interest in igniting a love for Christ in others through the new evangelization, she has a particular interest in the Theology of the Body, the dignity of human life, the intersection of faith and business, and the intersection of faith and culture. She loves visiting with the Lord in Eucharistic Adoration and meeting Him in each individual encounter until we see Him face to face!
Born in El Salvador, Wendy came to the United States when she was three years old, and ever since then, she has called Massachusetts her home.
Raised in a beautiful Catholic family, Wendy volunteered her teenage years to youth ministry and volunteered for mission trips locally and abroad.
Wendy earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Northeastern University and later pursued a career in public relations. Today, Wendy has more than ten years of experience in the field of public relations.
In addition to her new role at the Archdiocese, Wendy continues to serve as an active member of St. Mary of the Annunciation in Cambridge, Massachusetts, along with her husband Deacon Franklin Mejia, and their two children, Gabriel and Isabella.
Sr. Elsa Narváez Rodríguez, was born in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. In 2004, Sr. Elsa joined the Missionary Servants of the Word, a community that allows young people to serve as a lay missionaries for a period of time. After two and a half years as a lay missionary she decided to pursue religious life in the religious branch of the same community. Her firs assignment as a religious sister was in Portsmouth NH and after that she was sent to serve the Hispanic community of St. Joseph Parish in Lynn MA. Since 2016 Sr. Elsa has served Hispanic Communities within the Archdiocese of Boston.
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